Monsters and Misfits is 5-minute, dark-ride inspired experience for the Mechatron VR motion platform. A spooky, colourful, fun ride for ages 8+.

Monsters and Misfits is 5-minute, dark-ride inspired experience for the Mechatron VR motion platform. A spooky, colourful, fun ride for ages 8+.
Jolly Roger in Arrr! Me Booty is a short, animated film I created in around 6 weeks for the WAnimate 3|30 competition 2020.
Got the chance to work with some amazing contemporary dance folks to make some 360 films for the 2020 XR:WA Festival.
Got the chance to visit the beautiful Cable Beach Resort in Broome to film some 360 video.
Had a lot of fun making this short film with some fellow students at SAE Institute Perth on the Bachelor of Animation course.
Fatality is a student, short film created by Delvinder Singh, Gareth Lockett, Joshua Smith, and Mathew Papagelakis as part of the Bachelor of Animation, CIU211.2 Collaborative interdisciplinary creative media project.
An animation I did for the 123klan / bandit-1sm Fellastar video contest.
A 30 second, animated film made for the “Make It! A Tale of Creative Inspiration” run by the Creative Industries Innovation Centre (CIIC), STAEDTLER Fimo and the University of Technology Sydney.
Run Rabbit Run (2010)Entry for the Run Rabbit Run competition put on by the Llama Bar in Subiaco.This is my very first animated film using Adobe Flash.
The Cold Hearted Giant (2010)An animated film produced at Raging Pixel Productions. I was the writer, director and contributed a lot of the content.